High-Quality Care From Skilled Pediatric Chiropractors In West Allis WI - Choose Donnelly Chiropractic For Pediatric Chiropractic Services
Have you considered chiropractic for your kids in West Allis WI? At Donnelly Chiropractic, we are firm believers in the healing power of chiropractic treatments for people of all ages. Our team of chiropractors has seen great results in performing chiropractic therapy on children. These treatments are a safe, natural, and effective means of keeping your kids healthy.
When it comes to your children, you want only the best. When you choose Donnelly, you’re leaving them in the hands of a team of chiropractic experts with decades of practical experience and proven results. Call today to schedule an appointment. We’re even open on Saturdays for your convenience.
What Are The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Children In West Allis WI
- It can boost their immune system
- It can help with ADD or ADHD
- It can improve their sleep patterns
- It has been shown to improve allergies
- It has a positive effect on asthma and digestive problems
- And much, much more!
CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR PEDIATRICS - Should My Child See A Chiropractor?
As your child grows, it’s possible for them to experience subluxations (or misalignments) in their spine. This causes stress to the nervous system by preventing proper communication from the brain to the rest of the body.
Subluxations are especially important to avoid during a child’s first five years of life when their neural pathways are developing at full speed.
The good news is chiropractic treatments can help — they’ve even proven safe for newborns!
Choose Donnelly Chiropractic To Keep Your Kids In Great Health
For pediatric chiropractic treatments — as well as a full range of adult chiropractic services — choose Donnelly Chiropractic in West Allis WI. Not only do we offer the finest chiropractic care, but we also offer a full range of wellness services, including nutrition response testing.
Schedule an appointment online today. We look forward to getting started with your initial consultation.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Donnelly Chiropractic
7301 W National Ave
West Allis, WI 53214